We must admit that Winter isn’t our favourite time of year, whether it’s the cold weather, rain and snow or the long dark days. But after what feels like an eternity of winter, the Spring suddenly appears. Not only do the days get longer, the leaves on the trees start to appear and the flowers bloom, but there’s a feeling of excitement for what the rest of the year will bring. Another exciting part of the Spring season is the build up to Easter celebrations, this includes holidays and extra days away from work which you can spend with the family.
Now that’s not to say your bucket list should stop in the Winter, in fact we are big believers that your goals can be achieved all year round. We’ve even created a guide to Winter Bucket List Ideas – Fun Activities to Do When it’s Cold, which has plenty of suggestions for items you can tick off.
Spring just has a different feeling to it, the fact that the weather warms up and the world gets greener and more beautiful in the sunshine. It creates a feeling of being able to achieve anything you want, so we have decided to compile our Spring Bucket List to help you begin.
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Fun Spring Bucket List Ideas – The Best Things to Do with The Family
1. Take That Spring Vacation or Trip
If you’re anything like us, then your bucket list will be filled with places and countries you’ve always dreamt of visiting. This item will need some preparation and saving time, but it’s the ideal way to add some cheer to your winter, knowing that you’re booking a trip to enjoy a few months down the line.
Spring is the ideal time to travel, because it’s not too hot and normally not as busy as the summer months. Where you head is completely up to you, it will depend on where you live, if you can get time away from work and how much money you have. We love visiting Europe during the Springtime and heading towards a new city. There is a greater chance of rain and sometimes it can be a little cooler, but we prefer it not to be too hot anyway.
You can always use the break to relax and take in some sunshine, especially after a cold, dark winter. We’ve relaxed in the Caribbean sunshine in April and enjoyed Florida beaches. From around April the amount of cruise itineraries also increases rapidly, so this maybe the ideal vacation for you and your family.
There are some beautiful places to visit all over the world, so take a look at your bucket list and pick which one you fancy.
2. Plan Your Summer Vacation
Summer holidays are such a precious time to spend with your family, as most people enjoy an extended break from work and school. So, it’s important to prepare when and where you’re going to go on vacation. Why not get the family or even your friends together in Spring and plan out where you’re going and what you’ll do when you’re there.
We will admit we prefer planning our trips in advance, so we can make the most of them and do all the tourist attractions. There may be activities which need prebooking and you’ll want to have an idea of costs and how much you need for spends when you’re there.
What you choose is completely up to you, whether it’s a beach getaway, a short break to an impressive city, that cruise you’ve always wanted to do or something closer to home such as camping.
3. Head Out on a Road Trip
As the weather improves, we feel an urge to get outside a lot more, so why not pack up the car and hit the road. Going on a road trip is the perfect way to get around and see lots of places. We simply take a suitcase with us and book hotels as we go, it’s a great option if you want to see more of the country you live in. As we travel to the various attractions or places, we find that they are quieter in the Spring than in summer months. The best part is that you’ll drive with sunshine beaming all around you and lush green trees.
4. Go Outside for a Picnic
It’s not all about travel, sometimes the simplest ideas are the most enjoyable. So why not pack up a picnic and head to your local park, a lake or even enjoy the sound of the waves as you eat on a beach. The food can be as extravagant or straightforward as you like, from the usual sandwiches, sausage rolls and cakes, or you could make it extra fancy with quiche and salads. All this needs to be topped off with something thirst quenching, and if you’re going fancy then why not add some fizz with prosecco or champagne. Remember it’s a bucket list item so why not enjoy it!
All you have to do then is decide what you’ll do when you’re there, whether you sit back and relax or take some games with you to play such as frisbee or a ball. This is the ideal way to make memories with friends and family out in the fresh air, but it’s also a low-cost option which will suit everyone.
There are a couple of options we like on Amazon to carry your food, and they are this deluxe wicker picnic basket or this picnic backpack cooler.
5. Eat Outside and Dine Al Fresco
Picnics aren’t the only options for eating outdoors, there are plenty of ways to dine more formally in the sunshine. The obvious one is to go to a restaurant or café and choose outdoor seating. This is the easiest because you simply sit back and relax as someone does the cooking for you. You can even choose somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit with incredible views, to make it extra bucket list special.
Another way to appreciate the Spring sunshine is by setting up lunch outside in your garden or patio. Enjoy your beautiful flowers starting to bloom, invite friends or family over, and relax chatting into the evening. It’s a great way to catch up with the girls and it doesn’t have to cost a lot, you can even get the BBQ going and make it a party. If all that sounds like too much hassle, then why not simplify it and head out for breakfast with a good book.
6. Plant a Garden and Set up Your Outdoor Space
Winters can ravage a garden, so Spring is the perfect time to start the clear up and make your outdoor space beautiful. If you’ve never bothered too much with your garden, then the prospects of it all can be overwhelming and costly. So, take it slowly, it may take a while to do, especially because the first step will be clean up. Our advice is to Google easy garden designs and look on TikTok for landscaping ideas. You can find cheaper bedding plants in some stores, whereas if you’re looking for shrubs and trees then maybe head to your local garden centre.
We will admit that we’re not gardening people, we find it hard keeping a garden because we travel. But it’s a great bucket list idea for those of you who want an idyllic outdoor space, maybe you’ve bought your first home, and you want to make it special.
Most flowers have suggestions on when and where to plant, with the majority being in the Spring months. If you want to try something a little harder, then you could attempt to grow vegetables. There’s something satisfying about producing your own veg and eating it, we have grown pumpkins, green beans and tomatoes, and loved the whole process.
Growing flowers is a wonderful hobby you can share with your kids, because they’ll love to watch them grow. You could try something easier such as herbs or even a butterfly garden. Not only will your kids love the flowers, but they’ll also connect with the nature around them.
7. Attend an Outdoor Festival
Most outdoor festivals are held in the summer months, but you’d be surprised how many you can find in the Spring. Whether it’s a local event or something a little bigger, why not grab some tickets, dress up and enjoy the warmer weather. If you’ve never been to a festival before then make sure you research tips on what to wear, but of course we’d always recommend comfy footwear and a hat because it can be sunny or rainy. Either way we’re sure you’ll have a great time, and it will be the first of many festivals.
8. Create a Spring Playlist
Music can generate so many memories and emotions, in the old days if you wanted to make a playlist you would have to burn them on a CD or record to a cassette tape. Life is so much easier now we have streaming services such as Spotify or Apple Music. So why not create your own list to capture the uplifting feeling that Spring can bring, or a list of songs which provide wonderful memories. Enjoying feel good tunes and dancing your worries away is the best feeling, in fact we aim to do a little dance therapy every day to boost our endorphins. The whole point of bucket listing is to make happy new memories but also to reminisce about old ones, so this is a great idea, and you can listen to the songs over and over again.
9. Go Berry Picking
Most people are surprised at this because most berries can be found in the summer and autumn months, but there are some which appear in the Spring. We can remember picking blackberries and gooseberries as kids, and loving it, especially because we got to eat them afterwards. You will find strawberries appear from around March and June, with berries appearing in May.
Rather than wild berry picking you can always head to a farm, which is a great way to show kids where their food comes from and connect with nature.
10. Hike a New Trail
Spring is here and that means one thing, heading outside, at last! Whether you’re new to hiking or it’s something you’ve done before, why not try a new trail. There are a variety of levels of hikes and scenery, so where you go is completely up to you. We enjoy using the AllTrails app, because it shows us the closest walks to our location and their activity level. The connection with nature and that warm sunshine on your face will not only help your mental health, but also your physical wellbeing. Our advice is to make a day of it and pack up a picnic, so you can stop and take in the views around you. Once you witness the beauty of the blooming flowers, budding trees and baby animals, you’ll realise what a magical season Spring is.
11. Play an April Fool’s Day Prank
Spring tends to be focused on Easter as its main event, but there is a sneaky special day which happens on the 01st April. Most of us know about April Fool’s because it’s a worldwide day where cheeky pranks are played on loved ones and friends. There are plenty of ideas online so do your research and prep for the big day, the results will provide laughs and memories for you to share. We love simple ones like cling filming shampoo or ketchup bottles, putting fake insects in ice cubes and swapping family pictures for celebs. There are so many to choose from we’d be here all day, just make sure it isn’t cruel, or no one gets hurt.
12. Create a Journal Habit
Spring means fresh starts where we clear out our old poor habits and introduce new healthy ones. Journalling is a practice that we feel everyone should do daily, it’s a great way to create order in a world which feels chaotic at times. But you also have the chance to let go of any unwanted feelings onto the page, rather than store them internally. We bought ourselves a pretty but cheap note pad, so that we could keep it for the specific purpose of a journal. The only cost that you really need is your time and in reality, it’s only 5 minutes or so, because we tend to fill in one page of our journal.
There are many benefits to journalling which include improving mental health, encouraging self-confidence, boosting emotional intelligence, and helping to achieve goals. But if you’re looking to work on your most private fears and upset, why not write it down and then tear up the pages. By doing this you can really get everything out in the open, knowing that no one else will find your journal and read it afterwards.
Our advice is to take some time out every day to journal and look at it as personal relaxation time. We’ve journalled for a couple of years and find it a great way to work through our problems and thoughts. If you keep your journal pages, then you can always look back at past entries to see how far you’ve come.
13. Spring Clean Your Home or Space
Clutter can build up so easily and quickly, especially during the winter months, so it makes sense to clear out when Spring arrives. Why is this bucket list worthy you may wonder, because for many people it’s not something they do on an annual basis. If you’re one of those people, then by adding this to your list you’re making a promise to yourself. We promise you that not only will your space look better, but mentally you will feel cleansed and more relaxed.
The interesting thing about this item is that for many it’s not exactly thrilling, but who says all your bucket list items have to be fun? They’re also about adding value to your life, and part of that is getting comfortable with uncomfortable things. The sheer bliss you’ll feel after you’ve finished is enough to get you through, simply put a plan together and the time where you can focus on each room. There are lots of tips online, but we’d recommend going through your belongings first and seeing what you want to keep, throw or donate. After that you’ll then want to think about where you store it and how to keep it tidy. Having pride in our homes is important, because it is your safe space so you should at least feel relaxed when you’re in it. Put some music on and get started, because we know you’ll be beaming from ear to ear when it’s done.
14. Go for a Bike Ride
We’ve said it already, but we know that you’ll be eager to head outside as Winter disappears and Spring arrives. The Winter months can feel like they last forever, so why not dust down those bikes and get on some exercise gear. This is a great way to get outdoors, burn a few Christmas calories and have some fun.
We recently began cycling again, after many years of owning bikes which were hidden at the back of our garage. Aside from the initial butt pain (yes, we’ve bought padded shorts), we absolutely loved it. Heading out on your bike is the perfect way to get outside on a lovely Spring Day. The wind swooshing past and the sunshine on your face, as you take in the beauty of blossoming nature around you. There are plenty of cycling trails in most areas, so check online in advance and plan it out. You can make a day of it and take food and drink or work out a stopping point such as a café or coffee shop to refuel. If you want to make it bucket list worthy, then check out the best cycle routes in your area and see how many you can tick off. Most importantly make sure you have a helmet and keep yourself safe.
15. Walk Barefoot on Grass – Grounding or Earthing
Do you ever feel an urge to just kick off your shoes and run on the beautiful green grass. It’s amazing to see children so carefree, just enjoying their feet being on the ground. Interestingly walking barefoot on the grass has become popular in the wellness world and it even has a name, it’s called Grounding or Earthing. Of course it doesn’t have to be grass, it could be sand or even mud, the most important thing is your skin touches the natural ground and you feel the energy of nature. The general basis of grounding or earthing is a therapeutic technique where as you touch the ground, you will electrically connect because free electrons from the Earth are absorbed into your body.
Interestingly there are lots of benefits to grounding, which is one of the reasons why barefoot shoes have become so popular. As well as the mental wellness impact, if done regularly you should also see an improvement in your mobility, balance and foot strength. It’s also said to improve eyesight and aid with sleeping, so it would seem crazy not to try it. Bucket list ideas such as this are great, because they’re free and they give you the feeling of being a child again, carefree and happy.
16. Volunteer or Give Back to Your Community
Better weather tends to mean we want to get out and about more, so if you’re not sure how you want to spend your time, then what about volunteering? You can make a huge difference to your community, simply by offering your time or resources. The best part is that it can be a one off, weekly or even daily thing, it completely depends upon what you can and want to give. You can either contact a charity or organisation to see how you can help, or you could simply head out and make a difference yourself. We like to give back when we can, so we head out in our local area and pick litter, and as we do our weekly shop, we always add items to our trolley and leave them in the food bank donation bins. But other examples could be delivering meals to the elderly or sick, cleaning up a local beach, help someone walk their dog, or offer a few hours in a nursing home. The most important part of volunteering, is that you feel good as you do it and enjoy yourself.
17. Try a New Type of Exercise Outdoors
We’ve already mentioned it a few times above, but when the Spring weather appears we have a newfound energy and vigour for life. So why not use it in a positive way to get active and shed a few of those winter pounds. What about looking online for different types of fitness classes, you could try a video on YouTube by yourself. There are so many out there such as Zumba, boxercise, or yoga, and who knows, you may end up becoming a regular. Most of these classes can be done outdoors, so not only are you enjoying the dopamine high, but you’re also taking in a vitamin D hit.
If you prefer something in nature, then another option is getting outside and running. You could attempt a 5 or 10k depending on your stamina and then spend the evening soaking in a warm bath, resting those weary muscles but feeling proud of your achievement.
Exercise is the ultimate form of self-love because it is the most important thing we can do for our health. Not only does physical activity prevent a raft of diseases, but it improves your brain health, helps manage stress, maintain weight, and strengthens bones and muscles.
The best part of this bucket list item is that you can choose any type of exercise you want so that it fits into your day, and you can find something you enjoy. There is a misconception out there that exercise is a chore, when in fact it’s actually a lot of fun. If you plan on joining a class then you’ll also have the opportunity to make new friends, which is an added bonus because being social helps improve your mental health.
18. Watch a Sunrise
There’s a feeling of renewal when you watch a sunrise, it’s incredibly cathartic and makes you appreciate how lucky you are to be alive. It’ll feel even better at the beginning of the Spring, because this is the season when everything grows and bursts into bloom. There are significant changes which happen during that Spring, so why not take it as a moment to think about the changes you want for yourself.
Grab your loved ones and a brew, then snuggle up in the garden and take in the beauty of the sunshine as you welcome in a new morning. It’s a wonderful, inexpensive but memorable item for your bucket list and a peaceful way to start the day. As well as taking in the magnificence of the sun, you can also think about what you are grateful for. We have a guide on 100 Things to Be Grateful For – What Are You Thankful For In Your Life? which will provide you with plenty of examples.
19. Enjoy Afternoon Tea
There’s something magical about the garden in springtime, with flowers blooming and the sun shining. So why not combine it with another wonderful treat, an afternoon tea. If you’re not sure what an afternoon tea is, it is a British tradition where you would enjoy a pot of tea, finger sandwiches, scones, cakes and pastries. The tradition has really taken off in recent years with the addition of glasses of champagne or prosecco. You could book into a beautiful hotel, a cosy tearoom or if you prefer to whip out the tea set and make your own, then why not enjoy it in your own garden.
20. Fly a Kite
Most of us will have flown a kite when we were kids, but sadly not many will continue as adults. So why not add it to your bucket list for Spring and give it a whirl. You will have been locked away during the dark cold winter, so as soon as the sun arrives, we’re eager to get outdoors and this item is perfect for both kids and adults. It can be a little tricky at first, but if you find a breezy spot you’ll soon watch your kite soar.
What we love about items such as this is that they’re low cost, meaning you don’t have to spend a fortune on your kite. Interestingly kite flying is great for strengthening hand eye coordination, but we’re sure you’re simply eager for the thrills of watching it soaring high in the sky.
Related Guide – Low Cost Bucket List Ideas – Cheap or Completely Free
21. Visit a Local Farm or Farmers Market
Springtime is ideal for experimenting with food, especially anything with fresh produce such as fruits and vegetables. So why not head to a local farm or farmers market and buy everything you need to cook up a storm in the kitchen. To make it really interesting why not pick something you’ve never tried before. Most farms and markets will also sell artisanal products and homemade goods. Not only will you be supporting a local business, but you tend to find that the produce is much tastier than supermarket options.
Just remember to bring your own bags or a small basket to take your tasty treats home with you. The likelihood is that what was a bucket list item will soon become a regular spot for you and the family. Some farmers markets have stall holders selling hot food, so you can eat as you look around.
You may find that when you go to a farm there are extra activities for the kids, such as tractor rides and petting zoos. Spring means new life, so you’ll see lots of baby chicks and lambs during your visit.
22. Bake or Cook Something Spring Themed
It would make sense that after you’ve bought your beautiful produce, you’ll want to use it to make something tasty. Spring is the perfect time to enjoy green and healthy foods, whether its spring salads or seasonal vegetables. Then you have the fresh newly grown fruits which appear during the spring season, which are perfect for baking pies or adding to delicious salads. Not only can you hone those culinary skills, but you’ll enjoy the results of this tasty bucket list experience.
23. Climb a Tree
This is a great one for those of you wanting to re-live your childhood, as well as ticking off another item on your list. It feels like trees really come alive during the Spring as they begin to bloom with bright green leaves. Climbing trees isn’t simply a physical thing, there’s a spiritual element about being in nature and connecting with the start of a new season. Just make sure you do it safely.
24. Try Birdwatching
Most of you will think, birdwatching not exactly the coolest thing to do. But actually, it’s a great way to spend a day, especially if you head to a wetlands or nature reserve. Although we know that you can birdwatch all year round, Spring is a special time of year because our feathered friends are busy preparing their nests and welcoming babies. You can also witness birds migrating which tends to be in the autumn and spring, where various species of birds you don’t normally see will pass through.
There are lots of groups online and guides to help you work out which type of bird you’re seeing. Plus, if you find that you’ve really enjoyed yourself then why not add a bird feeder or birdhouse to your garden, as a way of attracting more to your home.
This is another great option for kids, because they’ll love seeing the different types of birds and working out what they are. You could even buy some binoculars to get a closer look.
25. Go Camping or Glamping
Spending time outside is one of the many joys that spring brings with it. Why not make the most of it and grab your camping equipment and head outside with the family. You can either go to a specific camping ground or simply pitch your tent in the back garden, which is a cheaper and easier option.
If the thought of sleeping on the ground is a no go, then what about glamping instead which has become increasingly popular over recent years. Glamping is basically luxury camping, where you have more facilities, and you tend to have a bed and sometimes toilets. Imagine the memories you’ll make with the kids or your friends as you cosy together around a fire and watch the starry sky.
26. Visit a Zoo
Zoos are the ideal family day out and a wonderful addition to your spring bucket list, especially if you haven’t been to one before. The best part is that you’re visiting during the time of year when the babies are being born, which is such a special thing to see. Plus, many of the animals will have just come out of hibernation and as such will be more active than usual.
Although tickets can be a little pricey depending on the zoo, you can always make it a cheaper experience by making your own lunch and having a picnic. We have wonderful childhood memories of warm days at the zoo, watching the animals and then sitting on the grass with sandwiches.
27. Take Part in a Scavenger Hunt
There are a few ways you can do this, but whatever you choose it will be lots of fun for you and your family. You can either just focus on a Spring hunt where you create a list of spring things to look for such as flowers, specific birds, leaves or berries to name a few. The first to find all the items will win the hunt and you could create a little prize for them. What we love about this is the fact you’ll be outside taking in the beauty of nature, as you’re looking for the next item on the list.
If you’re heading towards the big springtime celebrations of Easter, then why not make your scavenger hunt an Easter egg hunt. Ok so this one is normally for kids, but we believe you’re never too old for a good Easter egg hunt. This is another one which you can do in your own way, whether it’s chocolate or plastic eggs, small toys or even sweets.
You may find that there are local Easter events near you, so you can go to them instead of having to create one yourself.
28. Try a New Outdoor Activity
This one could cover a number of things, so why not get adventurous and think about what it is you fancy doing. What about something water based such as kayaking, paddle boarding or white-water rafting. Or something a little more land based such as segway, axe throwing or archery. Then of course you have activities for the thrill seekers such as bungee jumping, abseiling and jumping out of a plane. Spring is the perfect time to begin ticking these items off your bucket list and it’s the ideal way to start the year off with a bang.
29. Host a Family Game Night
We’ve brought you plenty of ideas for your bucket list which involve the outside, but what happens during those days when there are spring showers. Why not grab your friends or family and host a board game night. Of course you want to make it bucket list worthy, so why not buy some extra special sweet treats and pour some tasty drinks. Imagine the laughs you’ll have together as you create amazing memories.
You could even get cosy and make it a pyjama games night, with prizes given to the winners, which could be handmade gifts such as candles, bath bombs or IOU (I owe you) vouchers for raking the leaves or washing the car. There are lots of great games available whether it’s cards such as UNO and Cards Against Humanity, or board games such as Monopoly, Cluedo and Trivial Pursuit.
30. Create Some Spring Crafts
Because this season is about building new habits and starting afresh, why not take on some new hobbies. The perfect items at this time of year are spring crafts, which you can use to decorate your home or Easter table. This is a great option for families, or you can invite your friends over and have a long overdue get together.
There are so many options such as paper flowers, painting eggs or rocks as a display, making a spring wreath for your door, painting a wooden birdhouse or making and handwriting Easter cards.
31. Take Springtime Family Pictures
We all know that spring can be a really beautiful time of year, with everything feeling so fresh and new. You’ll probably find that the kids have shot up over the winter, so why not take new family pictures together which are spring themed. It’s the ideal time to get dressed up and wear cute outfits. Plus having the sunshine on your pictures makes them look even better.
32. Head to a Museum or Art Gallery
This is a great idea for the cold and wet days, and there are so many incredible museums and galleries. Whether you’re a history buff, a modern art fan or you simply love to wander and take it all in, we’re sure you’ll find a collection you’ll enjoy. What you may be surprised to know is that many of the museums are free, or they have discounted days. There are many times we’ve headed to countries in Europe and had free admission into their museums because it’s a specific day of the month.
33. Spend the Night Stargazing
Sometimes we forget how beautiful the world around us really is and it can take an item on your bucket list to pause for a moment. If you’ve never considered taking the time to look at the stars, then what about sharing it with your partner or loved ones. You can even prepare and take blankets, hot water bottles and warm drinks with you. The best part is you can either head somewhere with very little light pollution, or simply huddle down on some chairs in the back garden. If you’re an astronomy fan, then this is the ideal treat to share with someone. If it’s too cold to be outside and you have a planetarium nearby, then this is a great alternative and just as special.
34. Pick Wildflowers and Make a Bouquet
Spring is the best time of year to watch the flowers bloom, so why not head into the garden or local fields and pick the wildflowers. You can then create a beautiful and original bouquet to display in your home. What makes this the perfect idea for your bucket list is that you’ll enjoy time in nature taking in the beauty and then you have a lasting reminder in your home.
If you want to keep any of the flowers, then why not press them and keep them in a special book. This is something we did as a child, and it was a lovely hobby and simple to do.
35. Play in the Rain
Most children have a joy and excitement about rain, but sadly that’s something we lose as we get older. But having a bucket list is about creating new memories and even reliving old ones. Sadly, there will be rainy days in spring, but as it gets warmer the temperatures won’t feel as bad when you get wet. So, head outside with your family, best friend or alone and enjoy the moment by playing or dancing in the rain. You can throw on waterproof clothes or fully commit and get soaked as you jump into puddles. You can do this in your back garden, then head in and have a warm shower and some hot chocolate to finish your springtime celebration.
Related Guide – Best Friend Bucket List Ideas – Things to do with your BFF
That’s our list of Spring Bucket List items to help you on your way but remember the key to a bucket list is that it is personal to you. Think about all the things you’ve always wanted to do at this time of year and write it down. The great thing about a bucket list is it’s a reminder of the activities you want to try, so you can be intentional with how you spend and save your time and money.
If the winter months and all the celebrations involved have left you a little tight for money, then there are plenty of options on here which are low cost. What matters the most is you’re enjoying a season which signifies rebirth and renewal, but also whatever you’re doing brings joy to your heart. We know that whether you’re seeking out adventure activities or enjoying simple pleasures such as the nature around you, having a bucket list adds so much value to your life.
Spring is such a special time of year, so let’s celebrate it and make those incredible memories. If you’re interested in carrying on for the other seasons of the year, then make sure you check out our Winter, Summer and Autumn bucket lists.
When you add pictures of your completed Spring bucket list goals to Instagram, please tag us in. We love to see what our readers have accomplished, or what goals you’re planning next.