The majority of bucket list items you see on social media tend to be extravagant trips or activities, which are great, but not everyone can afford them or get the time away to fulfil them. Likewise, you may be saving up for the big once in a lifetime trip, but you’re looking for smaller bucket list items to keep you going.
Whatever the reason, if you’re at home for periods of time then life can get a little boring. There’s only so much cleaning or TV one person can take. This is why we’ve created an at home bucket list for those of you out there, who are looking for exciting things to do in the comfort of your own space.
If you know of any friends or family with disabilities which keeps them at home for long periods, then why not suggest making a bucket list with them? The whole concept of bucket listing is to bring joy to our lives, no matter how big or small the item.
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Bucket List Activities to Do at Home
1. Make Your Own Bucket List
Making a bucket list seems the ideal place to begin, whether you’re creating one for being at home or a generic list for all your goals. From our personal experience, bucket listing is a great way to push you into fulfilling your dreams. It is a constant reminder of what you want to achieve and the ideal way to aim for bigger and better ideas. Not only were we nervous fliers, but we also suffered from anxiety. By ticking off bucket list goals, we have grown in confidence, which is something we never imagined would happen. Now we have travelled to Japan, Hawaii, cruised all over Europe, started learning Spanish and play the ukelele. The best part is that our list is endless because we keep adding to it.
2. Vision Board
Vision boards are seen as visual ways to manifest the life you want, without limitation. Our experience of this was through a friend who created their board and looked at it ten years later. They had not only achieved everything they wanted, but they had also done so much more. So why not take a cheap cork board or poster board and pin pictures, words and art which represent the goals you want in your life. It could be graduating, having a family, a certain brand of car, owning your own home, a life experience or dream vacation. Place the board in a visible spot so you can look at it every day. This will help you focus your day so that you are working towards achieving those incredible dreams.
3. Learn to Play a Musical Instrument
Most of us will have thought about learning to play an instrument if you don’t already. Which instrument you want to play will be completely individual and of course it will affect the price of getting started. We always suggest buying cheap when it comes to your first instrument, because you have to establish if you like it and of course take the time to play. You can always look at second hand options because there are so many people selling old instruments, or sometimes giving them away for free.
It may be something simple and small like a harmonica, a little rock and roll such as a guitar, or hitting those keys on a piano. We chose a ukelele because we love that Hawaiian Island sound, and we were told it was easier than a guitar and a great way to start.
Once you have the instrument then you’ll be wondering how to begin, well we simply Googled ‘beginners ukelele’ and lots of videos popped up from YouTube. It gave us everything we needed to learn the chords and start playing songs. You can also join social media groups which are ideal if you have any questions about your particular instrument.
If you have the money and want to dig a little deeper into learning to play, then why not book an online tutor. There are so many available and modern technology makes it easy to bring them into your home.
The best part about this is that you can do it all at home and spend as long or as little as you want practicing. We were given great advice when we started, which is to play 10 minutes a day, because if you spend hours, it becomes less fun and more of a chore.
If you’re thinking about purchasing a ukelele but have no idea which to buy, then click here for the one we bought. It’s a beginner adult uke from Aklot and has everything you need, including the tuner and picks.
4. Start a Gratitude Journal
Focusing on gratitude is scientifically proven to enhance mental health and wellbeing. Studies have found that having a sense of positivity and gratitude can aid sleep and lower blood pressure, whilst improving your immune system.
Starting a gratitude journal is incredibly easy, all you need is a notebook and pen. We bought one for a couple of pounds which we use as both a gratitude book and a journal. How many gratitude’s you write every day is completely down to you. We chose three because it is enough to make us think about how lucky we are, but also not enough to be a chore. The best part of this is that you can grab a brew, sit, relax, and really focus on what makes you smile.
What you’re grateful for is again a personal thing and it will change daily. We have written down a huge variety of things, a meal, our friends, family, a cup of coffee, watching the sunset, technology, or health. It’s the perfect way to remember how beautiful life is and that there is always something to be grateful for.
5. Learn a New Language
The days of learning a new language from a tape are well gone, because now you can access incredible apps such as Duolingo and Babbel. They offer a range of languages and they’re free, so the most difficult part will be deciding which one to choose. We joined Duolingo and chose Spanish because we were told it was easier to master than other languages. But you may choose one based on a country you love to visit, or a destination you dream of visiting one day such as Paris or Rome.
Because you can learn from your mobile or laptop, this is the ideal at home bucket list option. We have chosen to pay for an annual membership, simply because it makes learning easier. But we have friends who are still on the free option and are progressing through it fine.
The joy of being able to interpret another language is hard to explain and we have taken great delight when we’ve been to Spanish speaking countries. It takes your travel experience to another level and shows locals how interested you are in their country. We’re not going to pretend that this one isn’t something that will take time, it will depend on how easy you find it. But sometimes the best things in life will take a while and not only are you picking up a new skill, but you’re also improving your mental cognition which is said to help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Sounds like a win, win to us.
6. Spend the Day in your Pyjamas
For most of us life is so busy we don’t get any time to relax at home, so why not specifically set time aside and spend the day in your PJ’s. To make it truly bucket list worthy why not plan something to make it special. Buy yourself some new Pyjamas and slippers, lots of snack and drinks, and have a list of movies or TV series you want to watch. Then snuggle on the couch by yourself, or with whoever you want to spend the day with and relax. Make it extra special by turning off your phone and cutting yourself off from the outside world. Once you’ve enjoyed your PJ day, you’ll be wondering why you don’t do it more often.
7. Finish a Large Jigsaw Puzzle
This is a hobby we recently started, and we have to admit we’re a little addicted, especially the Wasgij puzzles. Most people think of jigsaws as a children’s hobby, but they’re becoming incredibly popular for adults. You can always start off with a 500 piece to make it a little easier and grow from there to a 1,000 piece.
Our top tip is to find a comfortable spot to do your jigsaw and get cosy with drinks and snacks. We find jigsaws to be fun, although there are times when they can be frustrating. But once they start fitting into place it is incredibly thrilling, especially when you see that final piece slot in.
If you want further tips and tricks on how to do a large jigsaw puzzle then check out our handy guide.
How to Do a Large Jigsaw Puzzle – Expert Tips and Tricks to Complete it Fast
8. Learn to Meditate
Meditation is a technique used to help someone focus their mind to achieve a mentally and emotionally clear and calm state. It is a practice which is thousands of years old and has influenced a number of religious practices and traditions, so it must have some impact on mindfulness? We can confirm that from our experience it does, because we have seen significant benefits since we began meditating. By meditating for a few minutes a day you can control anxiety, reduce blood pressure, improve sleep, and brain health.
Starting something like this is never easy and you will get frustrated at all the thoughts that creep in as you concentrate. But they will calm and reduce the more you do it, and you’ll feel an inner peace which will transfer to your everyday life. Our advice is simply start and give yourself the time to focus and relax. Meditation doesn’t require you to sit in a lotus position in yoga gear, you could be lying down on the couch in your PJ’s. The intention of meditation should be the focus, not what you look like.
One of the great things about meditation is that it is free and can be done anywhere, so if you’re stressed and anxious then take some time out. You can google meditation or search on a streaming service such as Spotify. They have lots of guided meditations which are ideal for beginners, but you’ll also find plenty of meditation music to get lost in. Start small, maybe one or two minutes and work your way up. We currently do 10 minutes and use the Headspace guided meditation which helps us focus.
We’ve written a Beginners Guide to Meditation for those of you looking for practical tools and tips on how to get started.
9. Read – Try a Classic
Many of us struggle to find time to read, so why not treat yourself and set aside a day or two to focus on a novel you’ve always wanted to get through. The choice of which book to read is vast, so ask friends for recommendations or why not check out the classics; they’re called that for a very good reason. It doesn’t matter where you read, or whether its paper based or on a Kindle, as long as you give yourself the time to get fully absorbed into the world of the story. We’re huge fans of the romances such as Pride and Prejudice or Wuthering Heights, but then we can also recommend Fantasy genre classics such as Lord of the Rings and the more modern Harry Potter series.
If you’ve seen a movie you love, then look online to see if it originated from a book and maybe give that a try. You’ll find the books add much more depth to the story and characters than a movie ever could.
10. Create a Blog
You’re probably thinking that this one sounds difficult, but honestly once you begin you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it years ago. Most of us are passionate about something in our lives and you don’t have to be an expert to write about it. You’ll probably have read a number of blogs which cover a range of areas, from being a mum, to food, travel, gardening, sobriety and even niches such as fermenting food and sprouting. The key to a great blog is the passion of the writer, so find something you enjoy and tell people about it.
We use WordPress, but there are other options for building a website, which you can find via a Google search. Choose your site name carefully and don’t worry, you don’t have to spend a fortune and make it all fancy. The important part of a blog is the information given to the reader, not how pretty it looks. If your site starts to do well, then you can always look at monetising it with the likes of Google Ads.
11. Write a Letter to your Future Self
Where do you see yourself in the future, what do you aspire to be, and how do you want your life to turn out. Imagine your future self reading a letter from you now and knowing that everything you wanted to achieve, you made it happen. We can imagine the pride would be unbelievable.
By sharing your feelings on how life is now, and your current thoughts on the main elements such as your family, career, love and so on. You can see how much you have changed and developed in years to come. How long you keep the letter hidden away is completely down to you, it could be 5 years or 10 years. We’d gauge it on how long you think those dreams and goals will take to be fulfilled.
The best part of something like this is that you can drill down on what you want in life and have more focus to help achieve your ambitions. Sometimes when it comes to knowing what we want, the hardest point is the start. Once you have worked out where you want to be, then you can create the steps to getting there.
12. Have Breakfast in Bed
If you’re looking for something truly relaxing at home then why not combine the two greatest pleasures in life, bed, and food! We’ve seen it on TV and yet most of us will never have enjoyed staying in bed all warm and snuggly, nibbling on our brekkie. How big you go with this is up to you and whether its you that makes it or your beloved. What about a full English with waffles and mimosas. Then there are pancakes or croissants, beautiful jams and speciality teas or coffee. With so much choice it can be difficult to decide, but if you’re not going anywhere then why not enjoy it all. You could even treat yourself to a cute serving tray, there are loads online and they can be folded away for easy storage.
13. Start a New Hobby
There are many hobbies you can begin at home; in fact, we have mentioned some above such as learning a language and playing an instrument. Most people start a hobby as a way to evade boredom and de-stress, but it’s also a great form of self-expression and creativity. We have written a full Hobbies Bucket List for those of you who are looking for something new and yes many of them can be done at home. There is an immense joy in starting something new and finding that you’re good at it. Hobbies can be relatively inexpensive once you get past that initial outlay and depending on what you choose. Also, who said you can only have one, we have a number of hobbies including learning Spanish, playing the ukelele, meditation, journalling and jigsaws.
14. Listen to Podcasts
We are huge fans of podcasts because they are a great way to learn about a variety of topics from experts. Whether it’s personal growth, health, finance, celebrity, crime, or the vast array of other interests, you will find something to enjoy. Most podcasts are short meaning they’re between 30 minutes to an hour, but we are seeing more long length options which can be 3 hours long.
Accessing podcasts is simple and free, you can download an app such as Spotify and Apple, or you can watch them via YouTube. Our personal favourites are the Rich Roll Podcast, Huberman Lab and Feel Better, Liver More. They have given us the knowledge and techniques to improve our physical and mental wellness, as well as providing us with experts to follow.
15. Binge Watch a New TV Series
Is there a TV series you’ve been longing to see but you’re just too busy to watch it? Then make sure you add it to your bucket list and carve out some special time to relax and enjoy it. You can make it special by getting in some fancy drinks, popcorn, and other snacks, and grabbing your cosiest blanket. Just make sure there’s no chance you can be disturbed and hit that play button. You’ll find plenty of incredible series whether it’s modern hits such as Grace and Frankie and Schitt’s Creek, or you could go old school and watch a series you never had the opportunity to see, such as the Golden Girls or Arrested Development.
16. An Indoor Picnic
There are many activities which we fondly think of as only being for the outdoors, but this isn’t necessarily true for picnics. You can make a space in your home and create the most comfortable picnic experience with cushions and blankets. This is an ideal item for the kids on those rainy or cold days, when you’re stuck inside.
To make it authentic you can use a traditional wicker picnic basket and fill it with delicious food such as sandwiches, sausage rolls and cakes. If you want to make it extra special, then add luxury items such as champagne or cocktails and hors d’oeuvres.
As you enjoy your indoor picnic, you can play games and talk about life and dream of big bucket list plans in the future. This is a great way of taking time out from technology and spending it with those you love.
17. Create a Garden
Having a connection with nature is truly cathartic and the ideal way to decompress from the stresses in life. Is there any better way than creating a garden space within your home. This could be anything from a small patio, a herb garden, your back garden or a vegetable patch. What we love about this is that although it can be physically taxing, you can enjoy watching flowers, fruits and vegetables grow. So, you’re getting healthy and creating something beautiful at the same time.
How far you go with this is completely down to you because you can research the various plants and even grow them from seed. Our advice if you’re a complete beginner is to start off small with a few pots and then build it from there. You’ll soon discover if you’re green fingered and enjoy the whole gardening experience. Some of the joy of making your own bucket list is that it can bring something special into your home life and this is a good example of that.
18. Movie Marathon
For most of us life is so busy that we never have enough time to just relax, so imagine booking in a full day and making it a movie marathon. You can either watch old favourites or new ones you have been meaning to watch. But if you want to make it a truly amazing bucket list movie marathon, then why not focus on watching Oscar winning movies only. There are so many ways to access cult classics and award-winning sensations, because many streaming services such as Amazon Prime, Netflix and Disney Plus offer the latest and greatest options. Your only job is to grab as many snacks and drinks as possible, find the comfiest blanket to throw over yourself and settle in. You can make sure you don’t get distracted by hiding away any mobiles and phones, so no one can contact you through the day.
19. Try a New Type of Food
This is quite an easy one to tick off and we have added food items to try on our bucket list. Because you have it on your list, there is a greater chance you’ll make sure you do it. You may find that the new food you try is awful, but that’s part of the fun because you just never know.
What this new type of food will be is completely down to you and will vary depending on how experimental you are. It maybe something more simplistic such as Kimchi, Goji berries, truffles, ramen, or sour dough. But then you may want to focus on various countries foods such as Japanese sushi, Hawaiian poke bowls, Lebanese baba ghanoush or Swedish cinnamon buns. There are lots of great lists online to help, if you’re a little stuck on which food you want to try. The only difficulty you will have then is finding the food item, but most supermarkets offer a diversity of options.
We love bucket list items such as this because they tend to not be too expensive and they’re quite simplistic to accomplish. Not everything on your bucket list needs to be extravagant.
20. Handwrite a Letter to Someone Special
There is a beauty to handwritten letters which emails and texts cannot compete with. We’ve mentioned above about writing a letter to your future self, but what about telling someone you love how special they are. Not only is this a cheap and easy at home bucket list item, because you simply need a pen and paper. But you can really make someone feel appreciated, simply by using words.
Because the letter is handwritten it feels more personal and the receiver will realise you have spend time considering their importance in your life. If you’re unsure what to say, then you can always use Google for ‘things to say to someone special’. But we’d suggest writing down a few notes as you think about that specific person and then formulating the letter.
How you give your letter to that special person is your decision, you can sit with them as they read it, or give it to them to look at another time. The most important thing is you’re giving yourself a gift by thinking about the joy that person brings you and then giving the receiver the greatest compliment by telling them they are valued and loved.
21. Board Game Night
Board games are the perfect form of entertainment for the whole family, especially if you’re planning a night in. Now if you’re adding it to your bucket list then you might want it to be a specific game or with special people. Then you can always make sure there’s lot of wonderful snacks and drinks at hand or buy prizes for the winners. Most people view board games as being for kids, but in reality, they’re fun for all ages. Our top choices are Cluedo, Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit and Game of Life, but you can always try more adult ones such as Cards Against Humanity. The best part of adding this to your list is you will be spending time with your loved ones and making memories together; that’s if you don’t argue over who wins.
22. Create your Own Cocktail
Enjoying a beautiful cocktail is the perfect treat when we go out, so why not enjoy it when we’re at home. You can try and make one of the many incredible cocktail recipes online or through a mixologist book. But what about experimenting and trying to create your own and coming up with a quirky name for when you have friends and family around. Practice is the key to perfecting the flavours of a cocktail and then you have the fun of drinking the results.
If you enjoy this type of hobby, then you could always treat yourself and take a cocktail making class. They are available in most major restaurant brands such as All Bar One or Revolution Bar. You tend to pay a set amount and you will be shown how to make four cocktails by a professional mixologist, which you can then enjoy. It’s a great way to start your home cocktail making hobby and you’ll have a better idea of what base spirits and liquors to buy.
23. Brew Your Own Beer
Seen as we’re talking about alcohol we may as well add another one to the mix, because brewing your own beer at home has become an incredibly popular hobby. There is a bit of an initial cost to home brew, because not only will you need the actual brewing kit, but there is the equipment and sterilisers too. But once you’ve paid that initial outlay, then it is quite a cheap hobby, especially when you compare it to the cost of a pint in the pub. We have tried home brew because we love craft ales and there are so many varieties to try. Whether you prefer a pale ale, love a deep amber beer or head towards the darker side with a porter or stout, there’s always something to suit everyone’s taste buds.
There are plenty of online tutorials on how to get started with the barrel and other aspects of the kit. After you’ve gone through the process the first time, you’ll find each new batch will be easier because you know what you’re doing. If you find a passion for it, then you could branch out and try to make champagne or wine.
24. Complete a Crossword Puzzle
This isn’t always an easy one to do, because it will completely depend on the questions in the crossword. But if you practice enough then you will see your knowledge improve and hopefully that will lead to you finishing a puzzle. You’ll find crosswords in most newspapers, but you could buy a specific puzzle book so that you have the answers if you need them. This is a great hobby for improving mental cognition, so if brain health is important to you then why not add it to the list.
25. Bake a Pie
This may seem quite a simplistic item to add to your bucket list and yet baking a pie isn’t always as easy as it seems. Firstly, there are so many fillings to choose from, whether it’s the popular apple and cherry, or you could try something a little different such as rhubarb. To get started our advice would be to search through Google and find an online recipe. Once you’ve got what you need then grab those ingredients and give it a whirl. Alike many of the other items, practice makes perfect, but it’s not exactly a hardship when you get to eat all those amazing pies.
26. Stay Up All Night
They say nothing good happens after midnight, but that’s not always true, because you can create some amazing memories. Whether you spend it with your partner, family, or bestie, why not create a special night which you’ll remember for years to come. You could watch the sun set and wrap up in the garden, chatting until it rises again. Or sit and watch movies together and stuff yourself with drinks and snacks. How about dancing to your favourite tunes or playing games all night. There are so many options, but the best part is you have the opportunity to chat about life and your dreams in the future.
27. No Internet, Radio, or Television for 24 Hours
This may fill you with dread because technology fills every moment of our lives. But you may be surprised how cathartic it will be and provide you with 24 hours of peace and relaxation. What you do within those 24 hours is totally up to you, whether it is reading a book, doing a deep clean in your home, gardening, cooking, play board games or doing jigsaws. You can always utilise some of the time to sit down with your family or loved ones and just talk about life and how things are going, or where you want them to be going in the future. It’s the ideal moment to sit back and take stock of life, away from the chaos of the everyday.
28. Build a Model Such as a Car, Train, or Airplane
This is quite an intricate hobby and only for those of you with patience, which is why we’ve never attempted it. You will find that most models can be bought in flat packs of pieces, and you will assemble them with the instructions given. The completion of a model is a huge achievement and offers you a number of benefits including improvement of cognitive skills, problem solving and dexterity. You can build it on your own, or work together with someone else and make it a joint passion. Most of the items you need will be in the kit, but you can always pick up extra glue etc from your local hobby shop. One of the wonderful things about model making is that you can display it with pride afterwards.
29. Knit a Scarf
The perfect at home item for you bucket list has to be knitting in general, but scarves are always a great start. It’s pretty cheap to begin because all you need is wool and knitting needles. You can then search online for beginners guides to knitting and you will find videos showing the various stitches. You’ll soon know the difference between a cable stitch, a garter stitch, and a rib stitch. What we love about knitting is how relaxing it is, especially as you’re sat watching TV, you can become quite engrossed.
30. Do a Random Act of Kindness
Any gesture no matter the size will give the recipient a feeling of joy, but also the giver. What you do is completely down to you, it could be making something for a family member, teaching someone a new skill, bake a cake for your neighbour, donating to a charity you hold dear, or simply messaging a friend and telling them how much they mean to you. Random acts of kindness don’t have to be expensive; it is the thought you put into it which matters more. The best part of it is that you’ll have immense pride in yourself, which is a wonderful feeling.
If you need a little help because you’re not sure where to start, then we have a ‘Random Acts of Kindness Bucket List’ which should give you everything you need.
31. Watch a Sunrise
We’ve mentioned watching a sunset in the section about staying up all night, but what about starting the day early and seeing the sunrise. There is something joyous about seeing the start of a new day and realising how lucky we are. You can do this on your own or with your friends or family, but make it extra special and cuddle up somewhere cosy in your garden with a brew and take in the magnificence of the sun at its finest.
32. Indoor Dance Party
We couldn’t help but think of Grey’s Anatomy 30 second dance party when we thought of this one. Most people think they have to go to pubs or night clubs to rave, but you can grab your family and friends and do it at home. This is another one which you can do cheaply, but if it’s on your bucket list then why not go the full hog and get dressed up, decorate you house and even buy disco lights. That feeling of dancing to your favourite songs with those you love is the best, so why not make it a special moment and add it to your bucket list.
33. Write a Book
Imagine that feeling of writing a book and sending it out there for people to read. The nerves and excitement of something you have created being enjoyed by others is a feeling like no other. If you have always wanted to write your own novel, but you have no idea where to start, our advice is look at online classes or groups. Get as many tips as you can, but the best thing to do is simply start. The best part of writing a book is that you can do it at home, whether you’re settled in bed, or curled up on your couch. Most people choose to publish themselves or upload them as an E-Reader. What matters is that you enjoy the process of writing and bringing your imagination to life in the format of words.
34. Reconnect with Old Friends
This bucket list item is so much easier because of the technology we use in our everyday lives, so why not make it a goal whilst you’re at home. Life can be pretty busy, so it’s easy to let friendships fall to the wayside. By prioritising rebuilding those old friendships you will not only reminisce about by gone memories, but you’ll want to create new ones. Whether you e-mail, text, or use social media such as Facebook, we’re sure those friends will be just as excited as you are and if you meet up it will feel like no time has passed.
35. Camping at Home
You don’t have to travel far away to enjoy the camping experience, instead just set up a tent in your home or garden. This is much cheaper and easier than heading to a camp site because you can always pop in to use your toilet and the kitchen. For a simple option you can use blankets and pillows, and build a fort inside your living room, which is ideal for young kids. The excitement of sleeping all together on the floor with snacks and drinks, is something they will remember forever.
36. Make Money with a Side Gig at Home
Most people have talents they don’t utilise which can make them money. It could be an online advice blog, or something you make such as jewellery or soap. The best part of this is that you’re in the comfort of your own home and starting a business in something which brings you joy. There are many online influencers who have managed to earn enough so that they can quit their 9 to 5 jobs, so who knows what you could achieve. The best place to start is by researching the area you want to delve into. If it’s a business where you’re making and selling something, then check out the logistics of cost and postage etc. For those looking at an online blog then you’ll want to discover how to design a website and utilise Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Our advice is to focus on the enjoyment of it all rather than thinking about making money, then if it goes well, you’ll have double the joy.
Another option is taking a second job which is based at home, for example it may be accountancy or some form of customer service role.
37. Home Spa Day
The ultimate at home bucket list item has to be an at home spa day, whether you’re by yourself, with a BFF or loved one. You can set the atmosphere with serene music, incense and top it off with some bubbles or flavoured water. The home spa day experience could be anything you want, such as a face mask, hair mask and manicure. You could even enjoy a long soothing bubble bath so that you finish your spa day smelling like heaven and feeling relaxed.
38. Create a New Workout Routine
If the thought of heading to a gym puts you off exercise, then why not create a new workout routine at home. This is easier than it sounds because we now have access to lots of professional trainers on YouTube and Instagram. We have followed Courtney Black on Insta for a while and she provides a lot of videos for all over body exercises. The best part of her workouts is that you don’t need any equipment for most of them, you simply use your own body. Of course, if you’re looking at building muscle you can buy some gym equipment in stages, so it’s not too expensive.
Starting an exercise routine doesn’t have to be anything excessive, if you’re restricted for time then simply lift a couple of tins of beans for bicep curls and do squats as you wait for the kettle to boil for a brew. Or walk up and down the stairs a few times, holding onto the banister for safety. If you want something a little more fun then what about Zumba, yoga or HIIT online classes.
39. Adopt a Pet
If you spend a lot of time at home then why not add a member to your family and adopt a pet, especially if you live on your own. There are many health benefits to owning a pet, including physical such as better immunity, and decreased blood pressure. Then add in mental health as they can help reduce loneliness and depression. Of course, it is a huge responsibility and will impose some restrictions on your life, but the joy that is brought into your house will bypass all of that. Most people want a cat or dog, but it may surprise you that most rescue shelters have a variety of animals looking for a good home, including rabbits, gerbils, birds and reptiles.
So that you’re fully aware of the commitment, you will have costs such as food, health insurance, training if required and toys or additional supplies. Our advice is to visit the animal rescue shelters and spend some time with the pet of your choice or ask a friend who has that specific animal if you can babysit for the day. It is better to realise in the beginning that you’ve changed your mind, then bring them home and decide having a pet was more than you expected. Even smaller pets such as hamsters and fish require a lot of work, but most people don’t mind because of the pure love you feel for them.
40. Master Your Skincare Routine
Sometimes because we’re so busy, we can let things slip and not look after ourselves. Why not plan some time at home to look at your skin care routine, because it will help you look and feel healthier. Sadly, we can take our skin for granted and hammer it with the sun, make up and dust. By researching online tutorials via YouTube, you’ll discover the type of skin you have, how to look after it and even what are the best products to use. Once you discover the simplicity of cleansing, exfoliating, and toning your skin, then you can ensure it becomes a daily habit.
You can look at a more natural holistic route and make your own skin care products using various plant products such as kiwi, oatmeal, and coconut oil. This is a great option if you’re concerned about your skin microbiome and using chemicals on your face.
41. Learn Calligraphy
This is a hobby we started in the past but sadly we didn’t carry on, although we will restart it soon. Calligraphy is basically defined as word art due to the fact that you use the pen to make stunning lettering. It’s a wonderful at home thing to do and can be used for writing letters to friends or loved ones. What you may not know is that Calligraphy is actually an ancient art and can be seen in many historical texts and papers. Our recommendation would be to look at ordering some faux calligraphy and starting simply with a normal ballpoint pen, before moving onto anything fancy.
42. Research your Genealogy and Family Tree
This is an area which is becoming increasingly popular, as more and more people want to know where they came from. What makes it easier is the use of online technology with sites such as Discovering new elements of your history is incredibly thrilling because you can see where your ancestors lived and possibly discover any health issues. The great thing about is that they have the largest genealogical data base, and you can buy DNA tests which map your ethnicity to a region of the world and identifies potential DNA matches. Once you have the information, you can start to pull together your family tree and share it with other members of your family.
43. Create An at Home Play List
Setting the scene for your day at home can really be influenced by the music you play. So firstly, when you are compiling your home play list, you want to think about what kind of a day you want. Are you looking for something relaxing and meditative, fun with some classic pop, or a bit more uplifting such as opera and classical. Your preference can even vary through the day depending on what you have planned, so it may have some dance hits towards the end of the list.
Music streaming services such as Spotify and Apple make creating a play list so easy. You can create a set list and add as many songs as you want from a myriad of genres. Make sure you try something new as well, because you will find hundreds of premade play lists you can listen to and pick out the songs you like. The great thing about music is that whenever you hear the song in the future, it will transport you back to your special day at home.
44. Make Ice Cream or Sorbet
Who doesn’t love ice cream? Instead of buying your usual brand in the supermarket, why not treat yourself to an ice cream machine and make your own. If that’s a little complicated, then we’d recommend sorbet instead because it’s a lot easier and doesn’t require a specialised machine. The best part of making your own ice cream is that you can create any flavour you like for example cherry pistachio and coffee fudge swirl. We would suggest that you Google online for advice on making the best ice cream at home or join social media groups, which there are plenty. This is a great bucket list item which will last more than the one day and you can gift great ice cream flavours to your friends and family.
45. Make a Scrapbook
Scrapbooking is a hobby where you can gather and arrange personal items in a way that not only preserves them, but also presents them so you can reminisce in the future. This is a perfect option for bucket listers because we tend to collect items along our journey which remind us of the incredible adventures we have had. How you display your memories or souvenirs is a personal choice, it could be in a book, box, or card. Within your scrapbook you could add photographs, tickets, artwork, printed media and personal notes. Most people like to make their books elaborate and as such they decorate them in an artful way, which is where you can use calligraphy.
46. Make a YouTube Video
We’ve mentioned YouTube quite often throughout this guide and that is because it’s a great place to watch beginners’ videos on whatever area you’re interested in. But if you have a skill, knowledge or you want to show your creativity, then why not do it via a YouTube video. Ironically you can find videos on there about how to create a YouTube video, but the process is easy enough. Many YouTubers have made an income stream from their videos, so this maybe the side gig that we explored in one of the items above.
47. Learn to Juggle
If you’ve always fancied learning a physical skill, then what about Juggling? Whether you buy actual juggling balls or use fruit, this is the perfect hobby for your hands and it’s ideal if you’re looking for something to take your mind off the stresses of life. Learning to juggle not only improves focus and concentration, but also co-ordination. To get started you can look for tips online, with some jugglers promising they can teach you within 10 minutes. Obviously with any skill it is all about practice, and what may originally be frustrating will soon become exciting once you can do it.
48. Learn How to Cook
If your idea of culinary art is making beans on toast, then what about spending some time to teach yourself how to cook. Again, there are loads of videos and guides online, which will help show you how to make your chosen dish. You can even Google beginners cooking recipes if you’re looking for something easy to start with. Then as your skills grow, you can try more advanced meals and wow family or friends. There are online cooking classes if you have the money to spend and this will give you someone to ask questions to, if it all goes wrong. The best part of an at home bucket list item such as this, is you get to enjoy your delicious food every day.
If you feel like exploring the world of culinary flavours then you can always try the cuisine of another country, for example Ethiopian, Greek, or African.
49. Enjoy an Arts and Crafts Session
This can take a little planning, but an arts and craft session is perfect for a day at home, especially if you’re with kids. The first step is to think about what activities you want to do and to get the materials that you will need. There are so many kits online or in hobby shops that you’ll find it easy enough to get what you want. You could be candle making, pottery, macrame, embroidery, painting or colouring, there is so much to choose from. By spending the day playing around with arts and crafts, you’ll not only have a fun filled day, but also discover a little about yourself. It may be that you realise you have a passion for one of the activities and it becomes a permanent hobby. The best part is the quality time you’ll enjoy with your kids or by yourself, which is the reason we make a bucket list in the first place.
50. Learn How to Use Chopsticks
You may not be planning on going to an Asian country for vacation, but that doesn’t mean you can’t master this impressive skill. We used chopsticks quite a bit on our visit to Japan and we managed to work it out during our trip, so it just takes a little practice. It got to the point where we were eating chips with them, simply so we could keep trying the technique we’d discovered. Chopsticks are pretty cheap to buy and can be bought on Amazon or other online sites. Once you have them then you can practice picking up small items such as peanuts or grapes. There are lots of tips online about how to hold the sticks using your fingers, but once you’ve got it, you can show off to your friends when you’re out eating sushi or noodles.
51. Be Inspired by TED Talks
TED Talks are an amazing resource for those of you who want to learn about a myriad of topics. We are big fans and have watched many speakers covering an array of subjects. One of our favourites is Brene Brown and her talk on vulnerability, but there is pretty much every subject covered and they will provide new insights and perspectives in your life. We watch most of ours on YouTube, but TED Talks do have their own website with all their speeches on. If you’re wondering how you’ll find the time, then you’ll be shocked to discover that most are 20 minutes or less, so you can combine it with your workout and start the day truly inspired.
52. Start a Pinterest Account
If the idea of an arts and crafts day sparked some joy in you, then what about finally opening that Pinterest account. This is the discovery engine where you’ll find an array of ideas which you can pin to your virtual board. Whether it’s renovating, cooking, fashion, crafts, or travel, you can select what you like and keep it to help inspire you within your life.
53. Take an Online Class
This is something we have done before and really enjoyed it, because we had the relaxed environment of home combined with the formal class element. There are so many options online and you will find specialised learning websites such as Udemy and Skillshare. Whether it’s marketing, photography, blogging, personal development, or music, these sites bring you the experts who explain what they do. You can also find one to one classes, especially if you are learning a musical instrument. There is something for everyone online and you’ll have the excitement of knowing that you’re expanding your knowledge.
54. Create Origami Animals
You will have seen images of origami cranes which have become popularised within Japanese culture, but you may not know why they are so symbolic. Origami is the Japanese art of folding and sculpting paper, and it is used as a symbol of peace and good luck, especially at weddings. This is a great addition to your at home bucket list because it doesn’t really cost a lot to start and it won’t take up a lot of space. You can go the whole hog and buy a book on origami and specific paper, or just use paper you have at home and look online for tutorials. There are lots of origami animals you can create, some being more difficult than others. This option alike some of the others is quite therapeutic once you find your flow. There are cheap origami kits online, which may be the perfect starting point if you’re looking for simplicity.
55. Make a Homemade Pizza
Pizza is one of the most beloved comfort foods on the planet, and most of us have a few boxes of our favourite in the freezer. But have you considered how much better it would taste if you made it yourself. How far you go with this is completely down to you because you can either buy the dough in and just play around with your toppings or go into it fully and make the base from scratch. This is a wonderful option for kids because they can get their hands dirty and create pictures on their pizza, then they get to enjoy the results for dinner.
56. Create a Family Recipe Book
If you’re in the cooking and creating frame of mind, and you have kids then why not make a family recipe book. There’s something about cooking which creates a connection, so it’s a wonderful way to make memories within your family. You can play around with food options and write them down, so if it turns out well, then you can remake the recipe in the future. Make sure you take lots of pictures too and who knows it may be something that is passed down to future generations, who may also add to it.
57. Learn Some TikTok Dances
This is one you’ll either love or hate, but the popularity of TikTok and learning the dance moves has grown rapidly. If you enjoy moving your body and want to make it a little fun and share it with the world, then why not join in. There are plenty of online tutorials or you can simply work it out yourself, which is half the fun. Why not get your family involved and all learn the dance moves. You can then keep the videos of you practicing and perfecting the routine, which will be a treasured memory in years to come.
58. Try Some New Card Games
There are plenty of amazing card games out there such as gin rummy, poker, and solitaire, each with different rules to add to the fun. Playing cards is a great way to spend time with your family, but we will acknowledge that it can lead to arguments on occasion. The best part is you’re away from the TV and chatting together as you play, making those precious memories along the way. If you pick a new game then make sure you do a bit of research on the rules before you begin, so there are no disagreements. The best part of this item is that it’s incredibly inexpensive to start, because all you need is a pack of cards, which most people have in their homes already. Make sure you get those fun snacks and drinks in to make it a super special night.
59. Volunteering
This one completely surprised us, but the more we researched the more organisations popped up who offer at home volunteering. This could be making something for premature babies, ringing someone elderly who is alone and needs some company, or taking in a rescue animal until they find a new home. Simply Google at home volunteering and see what comes up in your area. If you’re passionate about a specific cause, then maybe contact them and see if there’s anything you can do to help at home. The feeling of contributing is wonderful, so you’re not only helping others but giving yourself a warm happy feeling.
60. Make Fresh Pasta
If you’ve mastered the other cooking items on the list, then you may want to up those skills and attempt making fresh pasta. You will find that no matter the recipe, home made pasta is always much tastier than store bought. How far you go with this will depend on your enjoyment because you may want to buy a machine to make the pasta. Our advice is to look online and Google simple recipes, then you can gauge what equipment and ingredients you will need. Most pasta recipes simply use wheat flour, water and occasionally eggs, but you may want to get experimental.
61. Learn a Magic Trick
If you’ve always wondered how magicians do their tricks, then how about learning them yourself and wowing friends and family. There are many options to choose from including card tricks, coin tricks or more traditional magic such as a flower bouquet from your sleeve. This is the perfect at home bucket list item because you will want to perfect your trick before showing anyone. Not only will you find plenty of tips and help from other magicians online, but there are lots of beginner’s kits which provide you with the items needed and the ‘how to’ guides.
62. Make Tie-Dye T-Shirts
This is a trend which we normally equate to festivals and hippies, but it’s actually making quite the comeback. The best part is all you need is a white t-shirt, the dye, and a little creativity, and you’ll make an awesome top to wear with pride. It’s the perfect family activity on a rainy day, and we’re seeing more adults making tie-dye tops with their friends.
63. Create a Home Scavenger Hunt
A scavenger hunt is a game you can play alone or in a group, where the organiser gives the participants a list of items to find, with the first to get them being the winner. This is ideal for an at home bucket list because you can place the hidden items around your house or garden. Of course, the closer to the prize they are, the harder it can be and you could even make the list consist of clues or riddles, to add another layer of difficulty.
64. Write and put on a Play with Your Family and Friends
This is a great idea for the creative writers out there because you’re not only writing a story but you’re performing it to those you love. If you choose to make it a regular thing, then you can always make it themed on each occasion, for example romance or western.
65. Create Pavement Chalk Masterpieces
A great way of creating an impermanent piece of art around your home, until it rains and washes away. All you need is chalk and your imagination, and you can draw beautiful imagery for your neighbours to enjoy. Chalk drawing is traditionally something that’s popular with kids, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t give it a go or join in with the family. Make sure you wear something comfy and have a soft cushion to sit on as the floor will be cold and hard. Would you believe there are tips online for drawing chalk pavement art? Simply Google it and you’ll find lots of advice and inspiration.
We’re sure that after looking through the sixty-five different home bucket list ideas, you’ll have one or more that you will be eager to try. We’re looking at adding juggling to our list of fun hobbies. Life can get so busy you don’t have time to do the things you enjoy, but by creating a bucket list you’re literally giving yourself permission to take time out for you.
Most of the items are incredibly inexpensive as well, with the main cost being your time and in some cases patience. But the best part of being a bucket lister is that we always have a desire to grow and change in the most amazing ways.
If you add any pictures of your completed home bucket list goals to Instagram, then please tag us in. We love to see what our readers have accomplished, or what goals you’re planning next.